So now back in Malta and thinking back to the things I have seen on this trip, number 1 is by far the Stonehenge and mystery of Stonehenge that still today captivates us who like history. Because no matter what mainstream scientists and such says or what history books states. Nobody today knows for sure who, why and most of all WHY it was erected. Based on findings around the area it is officially 5000 years old, but that is only a qualified guess. Kind of cool and makes you wonder, I loved going there and see them up close! Well worth it! A drive of 3 hours but really a huge ”wow” feeling.. For example: They transported huge stones (talking 50-100 tonnes) 30-40 miles in rough and ragged terrain. How in the hell did  they drag them OVER the mountain range?!?!! So, here we are there and will always remember that day! 

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