Weekend and of course working a bit. That is just the way it is when running a business like http://approviders.com, anyone who ever had a company to run knows that there is no free-time really, no 9-5 and all that. You work and get the job done, nobody else will do that for you. So here I am pretending as we speak to work and instead writing on the blog but soon back at it. And since it is Saturday….

I am going to treat myself to a beer later to the football and enjoy the beautiful weather in London (happens every 5th year or so)!

* The tip of the day if you are thinking about starting business, if you perform work say on the internet like consulting? Then highly recommended to start a Malta Limited. 5% (Swe:26.3%) efficient tax and pretty much almost the same as an Swedish AB. But better. Helped us a lot and it´s very easy to run! Any questions about it, ask away and I´ll try to help. Also the weather is really nice so you´ll have an excuse to go to Malta.

Have a nice people and take care!

Ps. If you dont click LIKE on this you might be abducted by aliens and sent to Jupiter.. Just saying….


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