Well happy New Year all you and best wishes from Malta!!
2012 was a good year, well a lot of things went wrong and many went well. Next year there will be more blogs and posts from me since I really like the art of opening up and telling a bit about a Swedish guy living abroad. Here on Malta we celebrated Swedish Xmas (since we do back home) on the 24th and had Swedish Xmas  food and then on the 25th English food since my better half is from there.. Imagine the the feeling the days after this with all the eating and drinking!? Probably gained 2-3 kilos and now fluffy and looking like the typical Maltese or American really.. 😀

Then this coming year of 2013 will be good business wise and also privately since we have been visiting a dog-shelter and found what we think is the dog for us.. A little 4 months old Pharao-Hound-girl might be coming in the next coming days so life is changing for sure.. Since we are blessed to be able to work from home both of us we feel we can do this and really looking forward to it! Did unfortunately spend the Xmas without our families but all and all we had great Xmas here on the island! Even though its hard to picture white, cold snowy landscape up north when we have sunshine and 20+ degrees down here..

Hopefully you will be safe until next year and take care of yourselves until next post..

And you did survive 21st of December so… Well done!!!



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