R.O.C.K In The Usa
R.O.C.K In The USA

The next best thing with being in the United States is playing rock´n roll in The United States. When i´m here i always follow my friends in Remnants where ever they might play in Southern Florida.

As i been writing earlier here on the blog The Remnants are probably one of the best bar bands around these days in this part of The World Of Rock´n Roll. They have a ”tightness” coming from playing 7 days a week, year after year. Still with joy in their eyes.

Last night i joined them on stage at Sheas Bar in Port Saint Lucie, a bar that could have been taken out of any Charles Bukowski novel there is. What can a poor boy do except play in a rock´n roll band? A nice place with a nice crowd. What more can one ask for?

Here´s some pictures from yesterday and until the next time guys, have fun. I know you will and it ”pisses me off” a bit – being in my old cold country, knowing you having this fun…

Ace Kari & Terry Spain
Ace Kari & Terry Spain
Robert Vines
Robert Vines
The Supply
The Supply
"Sixto Rodriguez"
”Sixto Rodriguez”
Terry Spain & Laura Thrasher
Terry Spain & Laura Thrasher
"Kicking Keith D´s Ass" A very good song to play...
”Kicking Keith D´s Ass” A very good song to play…
The Other Supply
The Other Supply
Sir Andy Langolf
Sir Andy Langolf
Robert Vines
Robert Vines
Working On The Bar Stage
Working On The Bar Stage
Terry Spain
Terry Spain
Smooth Operator
Smooth Operator
For a dollar and a dime...
For a dollar and a dime…
Smoke break
Smoke break
A Bands Heart
A Bands Heart
Boys will be boys
Boys will be boys
The Remnants and the talented, beautiful singer Shayna Seme
The Remnants and the talented, beautiful singer Shayna Seme


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