Since this might be read by English speaking folks and I have not been living in the northern parts of cold Europe for 9 years, I thought it would be a proper and nice way to introduce me and this lovely little island in the middle of nowhere really. If you sail a little bit the wrong way south from Sicily and hope you will not end up in Libya, then you might stumble upon this ”rock” as we call it. I have lived here almost 5 years now and since being Swedish and loving the sun and swim thrive! Met the guys behind many times and during the years gone by as well. This is the downside and also the upside or living on a small paradise island.. You do get to meet a lot of people and also you do lose them often. People do come here to relax and party and such, some stay a while, some do not. If you have not been here though, highly recommended to visit us and see what this little rock can offer you! Since this is a place for lifestyle and the (hopefully) joys of life, I will be writing a bit every now and then, with humour and a sense of sarcasm. For you poor things who know me, you know that´s what I do the best. When not partying and drinking beer or hanging in cool clubs or such… This is my first addition here and more to come, but please if you have an opinion and also request what to add, please let me know! Also in the words of wisdom from Mr Lindgren, ”rather make a bad decision than none..” probably the Champagne speaking there… 🙂

So here we go!

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