Not a good start of the day, saw I have to renew my passport and to do that it´s either going to Rome or Sweden and will take at least a week and cost 171 euros! So, looks like we have a romantic trip to Italy coming up soon, cant really complain on that though since its kind of weird to say but lived here the past 4.5 years and have never been to Italy, Sicily is like 90 km up north from here. So it is time for a visit! Getting the whole place repainted and a bit refixed since wear and tear does happen. Only 1 guy doing it and he is almost done painting, just 8 weeks after he started!! Getting to know him pretty well now hahaha!

And then something does piss you right off, in Sweden there are news about some Zoo´s where they treat animals like shit and killing some off to make room for others more attractive and to save money they kill them with knives, hammers and so on. Even stories of slave-like contracts for employees and even giving them animal food and slaughtered animals to eat.. WTF?!?! In Sweden?! 2012?! Idiots!

Thank god its Friday, girls night out and boys as usual have to clue what to do yet. Going out is the question, sounds like a plan, hope you guys have a nice day and remember, nobody ever managed to just ”have one beer”!!!! Cheers peeps! 

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