Malta again it is! Finally home after 10 days in Sweden and 10 days in England and what a nice feeling it is to come home, missing the people already but it´s always nice to get home and be able to walk around in underwear and watch football loud and so on!! 🙂 

Picture above I put there just because.

It´s the middle of October and we have 27 in the shade and sun is shining so all good, we even survived the horrible Ryan Air as well. 4.5 Euros for a small beer on the flight! JESUS GOD DAMN CHRIST! And today we are doing the spring-cleaning in the autumn instead and that I am REALLY looking forward to… Not! Gonna try to find a cleaner but the ones we have had were cleaning worse than I do and that´s says it all. Have to work a bit today and looking forward to some new projects in the tube, we have to decide which we will take on and that´s always fun and interesting. We would like to work with Swedes as well so if you need apps or anything around that, let me know. Open for ideas and contacts!

Now have a great Saturday and be safe!

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