This time it´s what normal people should do when waking up and then what happens when being a bit tipsy and the results.. Enjoy!

Waking up in normal time at 08 today with the sun shining like I did last night when served a Black Angus Rib-eye! Warm weather like 25 and calm waters and good coffee! That´s how a day should start in my humble opinion.. And standing there with the first cigarette of the day looking out over the water and there they are, 2 large DOLPHINS cruising by about 100 meters from our place. Just missing a ”double rainbow” and soon a fairy comes with a magical door to the golden land or something 🙂

Friday and work as usual of course but also avoiding that stupid excuse to drink called ”Halloween” which I have never understood why its even a thing. Who cares. And this could be since still feeling the last Friday-bash with 2 friends who yesterday said I cant name them after what happened so of course I will, All…. and Christ….. HAHAHA! 😀 You know you are hahaha!

So we started at a nice bar around 18 o´clock and being young and brave as we are it went kind of fast (the drinks that is) and moved on to another bar infamous for being a place where nobody gives a shit about what you do. The bartender had a BRILLIANT idea of giving us shots… 50% Jägermeister and 50% Captain Morgan.. I can´t drink Captain, I go bananas and aggressive and in general being a bit of an asshole of great proportions! So we ended up fighting among ourselves and we were going to ban each other, never speak again, kill each other with dull knives and screaming a bit at 20.00 Friday evening and we made it, the bartender asked us to calm the hell down after the fight hahaha! So since I cant name them hehehe:

1 of us went home and slept at 21 o´clock…

1 of us ended up arguing in another bar with a girl and went home…

1 of us ended up thrown out of a bar and later found by police and taken to hospital with alcohol poisoning á 2.6 mg/ ml, which is a lot hahaha! Lovely waking up in the hospital I guess 🙂

I blame the captain for this! 

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