Been a while since last blog but I am kinda innocent since we have been in Sweden for a week and not have had time to sit down and do that. So here we are in Sweden, lovely rain and windy and cold! Thought I would tell about the trip and recommend a hotel on Söder (Stockholm) Best Western Colombus, superb and small and nice! We landed last Thursday and almost died instantly of the cold (came from 30+) and then to the hotel on Mon-Thu and met a lot of old ones and new friends and just loving the town I grew up with! Missed the quality and service of Sweden and the very DAMN expensive pints of beer 🙁 Going to have to really eat noodles until retirement age or something cause DAMNIT it costs! 🙂 Running around and did shopping and drinking and hanging out and some business of course! Oh its Friday! This is how its done: 

So wherever you might be and whatever you are about to do, be safe and don´t drink too much, but who gives a shit anyway right?!

We will launch our new website very soon, had to change a few things and soon off to London for some work and holiday combined, going to be nice seeing the city again! Food is well… Not that good really. Autumn is here and so are business! Have a nice Friday and take care! Now, OPEN THAT BEER AND ENJOY! I will…..




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