So hard work does really live it up to it´s name! We in the company and with the new partners have created very good results and very good fun doing as well! I always believed that when you set your mind into what you do and when you really believe in what you do YOU can do it! So now we are releasing the new software and also expanding our business more and more, it is going to be a fun time in the future.

Been a while since the last blog but hey, you do have to focus on the task at hand right!?

Soon it is Xmas and we here on Malta are sitting with open balcony doors and in the day we are still in shorts and t-shirts, feeling the Xmas feeling is hard but fun. The Xmas ham might be roasted in the sun by itself or something! So, anyone who is doing any kind of Xmas decoration BEFORE December is weird.. What, you start partying the month BEFORE your birthday too?

24 degrees worth of happy ending to the November and snowy hello´s from Malta!


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