Well, it might be over with the heat and all that, but that only means a productive autumn coming up! Kinda nice to get rid of all the tourists and yes, Swedes and Germans are the loudest and most drunk. Trust me ”Sällskapsresan” is true, Swedes do behave like, well Swedes do… 🙂

I used to defend us in the older days (been living abroad since 2004) and nowadays I really cant at all, it is a bit embarrassing to see how we act. Don´t worry, the rest of them are equally bad to be honest! Latest was this guy in the party area of St Julians

So there is a guy who will have to answer a few questions hahahaha! Dont know how that falls into taste for the police here, catholic country and all, but still I guess the guy had a few drinks…

Summer is over pretty much all around but hey, we had a good time and I hop you did too! Bring on the autumn and lets keep that smile and tan we got and the good times, let them last all year out! Then comes bloody January and then we can get depressed and cut our wrists and hope for a quick painless death.. 🙂

All and all, praise to the boys launching the mensworld.se! Keep it up boys (and girls, always a girl somewhere!).

Sweden on Thursday for 10 days, then to London for 10 days. Going to be nice to freeze a bit!

Warm September hello´s from Malta! Come and visit us!

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