Last day in England and last day of the trip. 10 days Sweden and 10 days England, had a blast! Lost the bloody golf competition (2nd) and yesterday the road-trip of 12 hours to Stonehenge and around there, the gods were against us and we got lost all the time and drove wrong ALL the time, sat-nav broken so was a bit of an adventure!!!!

Stonehenge was bigger and more mysterious than I ever thought, really a cool thing to see! Go there, it´s worth it! Pics later.

3 weeks of holiday is soon over and back to reality, well almost, it is Malta we are talking about. But nice to land among the palm trees and about 26-27+ and sunshine that´s for sure! We have been treated very good and had a very nice stay so thank you all who made it possible! We have seen it all I think, very rude idiots who deserve a friendly pat in the face with a chair and people who surprises you with their friendliness… 🙂

Only horrible thing is yet to come and that is the flight back with the infamous Ryan Air (assholes) who are not refunding us after the 5 hours delay coming to England. Hope Norwegian Air just outdoes these morons so they disappear forever! There must be a way to improve the shitty way they do business, but this is the last time we fly with them. Miserable shits.

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