So here we are on the balcony and chatting about high-end watches and loudspeakers, reading the infamous Robb Report magazine and gazing a bit at the pictures of sailing boats.. Quite lovely edition of it and many good and cool ideas for purchasing some new toys! I did get some requests for writing in English so here we are again. Looking like we are going to grace the ”Lovesexy party” this weekend, where usually it becomes wild after the first bottle of Champagne and more.. A man of business and also a dear friend Christian has a new favourite watch brand. URWERK its called and that is something really calling out to him get. Check it out! So, tonight is going to be a really lovely evening with BBQ on the beach and some really nice evening dive. Always a really nice sensation to swim among the shy creatures of the night. So but at this moment it is business as usual some planning of financial solutions regarding company structures and tax. Christian is an professional in the segment. So, all of you, have a very nice continued Wednesday and see you soon! Cheers!

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