Hello world!!

So being my first post here, what not better to write about than my first release after me being on 6th season of Bosnian Idol ”ZMBT” finals, may 16th 2014?!


After a long 8,5 months of competing, stress,,press,,hate,,,love…i released my New summer hit & music video on Bosnias biggest music channels, ”Hayat Folk” and ”Hayat Music”, which are still airing my video during the days.

Anyhow, since youtube decided to delete my video and reupload it again, all my views disappeared =( i guess youtube was scared of the big amount of traffic i got in such a short period of time, that they thought they were fake =(

So please check my new summer hit, dance/club-ish song here and dont forget to give the thumbs up and share it!!

[youtube height=”HEIGHT” width=”WIDTH”]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRHeQvzkR_0[/youtube]

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